Web MiniDisc Guide

If you having an issue with web MiniDisc on Linux, the issue probably has something to do with your udev rules not being in your system yet. To fix these issues, read this guide, follow the steps and you should be good to go with writing and reading MiniDiscs on your computer.

  1. Open your browser and open this site
  2. Now right click on the page and click save page as and save the file
  3. Navigate to your downloads folder in the terminal, in my case cd /home/laki/Downloads/
  4. Now paste sudo cp 70-netmd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ into the terminal and execute the command
  5. Execute ls /etc/udev/rules.d to verify if 70-netmd.rules has been copied over to /etc/udev/rules.d/
  6. Everything should work now!