This page pretty much documents the site itself, you can contact me with my email found here and I just explain some stuff going on with it.
E-mail: laki2@posteo.net

Right now, email is my only method of communication and I check it pretty often for the most part. I do use XMPP but I will set that up later

Most images I take on this site are from a DSC-F77 if you are wondering. I will write a review on it at some point, but in short, it takes really nice looking photos that have sovl. Some photos come from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4, but im not a huge fan of the images smartphones produce. While they have better resolution they just look like brimstone most of the time.
Use of JavaScript
Unfortunately I have had to place some JavaScript on this site, which I am not happy with. The main use for it is the background image switching based on the time, and the second one was for the automated "This page was last modified" date at the bottom of the page. I have been removing this recently, as I think it is unneccesary. The background image switcher will soon be done by a script on my server, removing the need for JS in the webpage itself. The third use of JS is for image galleries, as I was too lazy to do it in HTML/CSS. I will fix that up soon once I revisit that page to continue writing it. Meanwhile, if your browser doesnt have JS, the site obviously works just fine without it, except for the image gallery.
This page was last modified 19/11/24